2012年5月7日 星期一


Fr. Ranulfo T. Salise, CS

The main intent of this short reflection is to attempt to share my observation and suggestions as baptized and ordained minister of the Church to help change the structure of the church today which had for so long now been bearing the image of its fallen ministers. I share this sentiment to those people who say that the Church needs structural reform.
At this point in time, I believe one of the best ways to help transform the structure of the Church is to help the Church its essence as a Church in the midst of modernity as well as its understanding of reality and life. The Church would be able to gain respect and moral authority with people if it truly lives and struggles with the poor, the least, the weak and the lost in our society and has justice done for the marginalized groups and the oppressed. To name a few, we have the migrants and the victims of human trafficking (the marginalized groups of the modern world) seeking redress through the help of the people of good will willing to pursue to be the voice of the voiceless.
Based on my own observation, I noticed that the church has the tendency separate its theory and theological reflection from its PRAXIS. The consequence of this is a propagation or perpetration of sick Christians in the Church. Christians who are only good at practicing their faith but very weak in living their faith by doing something for what they believe. We need to have a collectively renewed faith to be able to usher in a collaborative effort to affect and effect change in the structure of the Church. The Church should be faithful still in the long run to the Gospel imperative which is the love of our neighbor as we love ourselves. The neighbors can the strangers and the migrants.
As a religious missionary priest working for the protection and the promotion of the rights and the welfare of the migrants and seafarers, I see the importance of presenting to the laity the true identity of the Church so that they will have a clear and enriched participation in the affairs of the Church. The question that up until now has been bothering me is, how much participation do we really allow for the laity so that they will have a voice in the Church. Consequently, they can later on stand to be the voice of the voiceless. We need to stop making laws in the Church for the laity without consulting them first, because they are the once who will live them conscientiously.
What ought to be the Church of today? I believe the Church of today ought to be sensitive to the human and spiritual needs of its members but should also live up to the values of justice, equality and inclusion so that we can also take care not only of our own but welcome and also care for others belonging to another religion.
Any reform should take place first and foremost within the Church and in the formative level of our future ministers. They should be given primacy in their initial stage of formation. We need a kind of a Church today that is responsive to the needs of the oppressed and the marginalized, a Church that is consultative in nature and all embracing in its apostolate and mission like what Stella Maris-AOS International Service Center as Catholic institution is trying live and uphold. The Church should preach by example.
As a Church let us not forget that we cannot afford to live in isolation from the culture of the people we are serving. Say for example the unique and emerging culture of the migrants, including the religious differences that characterize the elements and forms of challenges the missionaries for the migrants have to be prepared.
What we need is truly a conscious effort to know the struggle of the people. We need also to be inclusive in our language and open for “the dialogue of life,” and the dialogue with other cultures and religious traditions.
Lastly, I would like to stress that reform should not always be coming from the hierarchy. The laity should also take bold action not only in a collective sense but also in a personal level. A conscious effort should also be coming from me. “It is not enough that we have faith, but it is necessary for us to do something for that faith.”


近年來我國生育率幾乎都在1.0人左右,已經是差不多全世界生育率最低國家,其實這已經是情況非常危急,然而再加上平均壽命的不斷增長高齡化,依據統計預估於106年將增加為14.0%以上,達到國際慣例及聯合國等國際機構所稱的「高齡社會」,且於114年再增加為20.1%,邁入「超高齡社會」 。在此一趨勢下,我國不久的將來整體人口結構勢必形成所為「倒金字塔」的形狀,導致所謂「食之者眾,養之者少」情況的發生。這些狀況如果再加上經濟持續低迷,社會福利無法提升供給照顧,前景將不堪設想。

善導社會服務中心 總幹事葉惠明



(一) 社區工作模式的建構:社區據點的成立為中心目前積極的工作方向,期待透過據點成立連結社區資源,使社區能成為彼此的助力。目前於今年9月新成立之旗津區社區照顧據點雖仍在建構中,但已積極與社區在未建構前建立關係,因此目前已有兩位社區人力進駐。
(二) 服務模式改變:由於社區照顧據點的陸續建構,服務對象不限於兒童,因此在服務模式上也能有所調整
1. 貼近個案需求的活動設計:例如:犯罪預防宣導、關懷社區老人、籃球營
2. 社區認同營隊活動辦理:目的為找尋社區可用資源開發及社區認識與探索。
3. 青少年服務工作之提升:透過兒童年齡層之服務經驗帶至青少年,除能減少摸索期,而中心積極帶領志工學習青少年工作,也能提供穩定且有效之服務。
(三) 志工管理與社區人力募集:
1. 志工管理:從招募、篩選及培訓已有明確架構,並建立獎勵及支持模式,對於志工無論從生活照顧及情緒支持上皆投注很大的心力,對於其留任率也能有所提升。
2. 社區人力募集:為將公益服務之精神傳達至社區居民中,並使社區居民對社區照顧、社區營造等議題能有共鳴及使命,故本中心於積極邀請社區居民參與活動,並推廣社區照顧、公益服務等概念,同時藉以經營當地社區人力資源。

101.02.01~29捐款徵信(感謝各位 大德 恩人)


*基金會 3,000 黃信明 ;2,020 少女城(38期印刷費)
2,000 謝正浩; 600 蔡紹方 ;250 徐詠婕, 龍厚娟
200 玫瑰學苑---發票對獎

*溫馨病人之友社 6,000 李辰郎; 5,000 張宗德 ,張立蘅
3,000 沈祐民, 李俊哲 ,李俊德, 李俊雄; 2,400 項承璨
1,200 陳永貞, 黃淑敏, 林玉雪 ;1,000 梁國傑, 張培蕙
200 王美理

*明愛會 2,000 何碧蘭 ;800 蔡航生

*明愛券 37,940 天主教味增爵會; 22,500 泰武法蒂瑪聖母堂
24,000 梅山耶穌聖心堂; 19,500 萬丹天主堂;
18,770 萬金聖母聖殿17,930 東港天主堂 ;13,900 莒光聖保祿堂 ;
5,300 善牧幼稚園5,000 張绣吟 ,潮州海星幼稚園 ;4,400 王蓓莉
3,100 屏東道明幼稚園 ;3,000 余慧珠
2,000 蘇其康, 林文俊, 周 英 ,蔡鄭涵湘 ,洪谷菁 ,天主教聖家會
2,000 浩峰環保有限公司 ,撼宇空調機電有限公司
1,000 安蘭桂 ,宋淑惠 ,郭玲華, 梁元勛, 鄭淑貞 ,劉嘉伶, 蔡貞俐 ,陳靜萍
1,000 趙安珍 ,范仁賢 ,廖俊彥 ,道明外僑學校, 蔡旻芳, 麥正雄
500 陳碧珠, 梁李壽美, 潘月盆 ,劉秀芳 ,林淑婉 ,李绣容, 魯凱企業社
500 梁文怡, 廖瑋琦, 廖瑋琳, 簡花容 ,謝淑華, 陳美華, 杜勇賢 ,柯美黛
500 合楊企業有限公司 ,艾德倫科技有限公司 ;400 潘素玲 ,傅添財
300 吳美香; 150 杜聖軒
200 王文國 ,陳麗華 ,黃敏玉 ,杜秉軒 ,杜淨萱 ,郭秀英 ,張巧雲, 簡慧蓉
100 傅子珍, 傅子芬, 傅子芳, 李素華 ,李鄒燕珠 ,林玉嫻, 林若蓁 ,余心畇
100 沈心薇, 林麗雲, 張育連 ,張晏甄 ,徐王慧芬, 徐震宇

*華遠兒童服務中心 168,750 中華聯合勸募 ;265,416 中華聯合勸募
50,000 黃德強(1/18入); 20,000 沈卓群; 10,000 生蓮慈善基金會
6,000 和春技術學院; 4,000 陳淨玉; 3,500 謝瑞清
2,400 郭玲華(1/19入) ;2,000 廖秀麗, 陳利惠, 謝雪妙 ,呂宗翰
1,000 田瓊菁 ,陳昱廷 ;954 黃麗玉; 600 蔡紹妤 ;200 黃景明